Track Beams

The ideal Monotrack support

With how simple the CQN Development Monotracks are to put together, is there any way we can make them even better? We understand that uneven grounds can pose significant challenges when it comes to placing tracks. 

That's why we have developed this incredible solution: our Track Beams. Their precise shape allows them to slide easily under our Monotracks, elevating them off the uneven ground and securing them in place. There's no need for assembly; they simply fold to the exact width that is required. Connecting them is a breeze; simply attach the patented male and female hinges together and they will level themselves automatically.  These unique qualities of our CQN Development Track Beams set them apart from anything else on the market.

Various lengths and widths

Available lengths: 

  • 2 m 
  • 4 m

Available widths: 

  • 620 mm
  • 1000 mm
  • 1450 mm

Loading capacities Track Beam system 

(620 mm example)

  • 1: Track, 4 m long
  • 2: Support blocks (wood, plastic, metal ...)
  • 3: Hard surface
  • 4: Track Beam
  • F1: Main force/load simulated
  • F2: Divided point load
  • Df: Bending range (mm)